Oregon ProstitutioN/SOlicitation Attorney
Prostitution constitutes the exchange of sexual favors for a fee. Prostitution charges can result from multiple circumstances and carry significant consequences. The state of Oregon treats prostitution and any related charges in a very serious manner. To better understand prostitution charges and to begin building a strong defense, consult a Hillsboro and Portland Criminal Defense Attorney.
Many people arrested for prostitution or solicitation are arrested pursuant to undercover police "sting" operations. These sting operations occur on city streets and over the internet. In most sting operations, an undercover officer pretends to be a prostitute to trick a person into soliciting them, at which time they arrest the person.
If you have been accused of prostitution or solicitation, you will need a skilled criminal defense attorney on your side to defend your rights. Hillsboro and Portland Criminal Defense Attorney Casey Kovacic is familiar with defending clients who are facing sex crime charges of all kinds. With a background and legal practice devoted exclusively to criminal defense, Casey Kovacic has an expertise in prostitution and all state criminal charges.
Many people arrested for prostitution or solicitation are arrested pursuant to undercover police "sting" operations. These sting operations occur on city streets and over the internet. In most sting operations, an undercover officer pretends to be a prostitute to trick a person into soliciting them, at which time they arrest the person.
If you have been accused of prostitution or solicitation, you will need a skilled criminal defense attorney on your side to defend your rights. Hillsboro and Portland Criminal Defense Attorney Casey Kovacic is familiar with defending clients who are facing sex crime charges of all kinds. With a background and legal practice devoted exclusively to criminal defense, Casey Kovacic has an expertise in prostitution and all state criminal charges.